Wrap Up of WA Fruit and Vegetable Market conditions.
Monday October 6th
Carnarvon Peaches and Nectarines are available in better volumes with better sized fruit. USA Peaches are also still available. No Plums of good enough quality are available at this stage.
South West Cauliflower are in heavier supply and excellent quality.
All Cabbage varieties in excellent supply. Wombuk (Chinese Cabbage) is exceptional quality at the moment.
Ord Rockmelons
Ord River Rockmelons are in strong volumes now with prices easing.
Ord River Honey Dews are also in very good supply and excellent quality.
Asian Vegetables
The full range of Asian Vegetables are in strong supply and excellent quality.
Kai Lan (Chinese Broccoli) pictured left, is selling in huge volumes.
NT Mangoes
Northern Territory Mango season is well underway. Prices are remaining firm as supply is matching demand at these price levels.
Sugar Snaps
Local Sugar Snap Peas are plentiful, well priced and excellent quality.